Congratulations to Peyton Parker of Butler, GA for being the recipient of the Harrison Poultry Scholarship from the University of Georgia Poultry Science Department!

Tell us about yourself.
I am entering into my fifth year at UGA! I grew up in Butler, Georgia and graduated from Taylor County High School. I work for UGA transit driving the campus buses. I enjoy hunting when I am back home and playing golf ever so often.
What made you choose UGA and Poultry Science as your major?
I have always been a Georgia Bulldog ever since I was little! Once I was accepted to UGA, my friends introduced me to the major and all the career possibilities within the poultry. After one class, I knew it was the right fit for me!
Did you grow up around chickens?
I did not grow up around chickens, but I grew up in the agriculture industry through my family's swine farm.
What do you want to do in the poultry industry?
I would like to work in the live production, hopefully as a service technician.
Several years ago, Mr. Harrison himself donated a great amount of money to the UGA Poultry Science Department to start an endowed scholarship for poultry science students in the department. The amount of the scholarship awarded each year depends on the interest earned on the original principal donation from Mr. Harrison, but can range from $1,000 to $2,500. Students within the department apply for scholarships, and then a committee of professors choose students to receive the scholarship based on their qualifications.